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Editor's Choice

Puzzle-uri de tot felul

Puzzle-urile se afla in topul cadourilor mele din ultima perioada, oferite si primite deopotriva. Cele clasice ma conecteaza instant la momente dragi din copilarie, iar asta le garanteaza un loc special pe viata. Printre cele din amintirile recente, unele au primit inca o dimensiune, chiar si lumini led, si au devenit fragmente in miniatura din lumea inconjuratoare. Doua imagini compuse din sute de piese din carton stau si azi agatate de un perete in apartamentul in care am crescut. Au fost munca in echipa daca punem la socoteala sprijinul moral oferit. Altfel, contributia mea n-a fost una semnificativa - eram prea mica si nerabdatoare, dar mi s-a intiparit in minte perioada in care au fost facute si bucuria starnita de lungile cautari incheiate cu cate o reusita. De curand, am construit un puzzle 3D, primit cadou de ziua mea. O sera cu o atmosfera calda, la care visez, de mult timp, in viata reala si pe care o am, deocamdata, la o dimensiune care sa-i permita sa stea printre cartile din biblioteca. Mi-a luat cateva ore bune sa asez fiecare piesa la locul ei, intr-o ordine urmata cu atentie si rabdare. Pe masura ce dadeam paginile manualului de instructiuni, sera mea capata o forma din ce in ce mai clara. O scara serpuita, un dulapior, o ladita cu flori, o carte, dou...

Inapoi Inainte

Kristian Mensa. Ilustratii & Obiecte

Artistul Kristian Mensa porneste de la obiecte simple cu care interactionam in viata de zi cu zi, pe care le integreaza in diferite ilustratii. Provocarea lui este sa gaseasca acele forme in jurul carora sa contureze o poveste neasteptata. O margareta devine astfel parte din corpul unei pasari colibri, pulverizatorul unui produs de curatat se transforma intr-un ciclist de performanta, mufa unui cablu de date contribuie la conturarea unui soldat din garda regala a Marii Britanii. Fiecare imagine creeaza un joc vizual care iti aduce cu usurinta zambetul pe buze!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique. Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things. Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Mai multe ilustratii gasesti pe site-ul oficial al artistului de origine ceha: www.mrkriss.com.

Foto: Kristian Mensa via Hepta.ro

PUBLISHED ON 10.07.2015

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