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Umor si activism pe scena de stand-up comedy

Ali Wong, Taylor Tomlinson, Wanda Sykes si Hannah Gadsby m-au influentat sa privesc stand-up comedy-ul cu alti ochi… Nu de putine ori cu ei in lacrimi de ras, dar si cu vulnerabilitate, empatie si speranta pentru o lume mai buna. Interactiunea mea cu stand-up comedy-ul a inceput cu stangul. In urma cu multi ani, sa fie vreo 15, am mers la un show intr-un local din Bucuresti. Nu mai tin minte cine a urcat pe scena, dar stiu ca nu am rezonat cu genul de umor ascultat. Se poate ca experienta mea din acea seara sa nu fi fost reprezentativa pentru peisajul stand-up-ului, doar ca nu am simtit curiozitatea de a afla exact ce si cum. Lucrurile s-au schimbat relativ recent cand am intalnit abordari ce calibreaza umorul din experientele pe care viata ni le aduce in cale, fara a-l forta sa fie si unde nu e. Mai mult decat atat, temele de discutie incluse in show-uri, de la inegalitate de gen, la rasism, homofobie, sanatate mintala, maternitate, relatia cu familia sau relatiile de cuplu, creioneaza – uneori pe alocuri, alteori in intregime - o forma de stand-up comedy activist. Poate ti se intampla si tie, dupa un serial care iti place mult, sa nu mai ai un timp rabdarea necesara pentru a te aventura intr-o noua poveste. In urma cu niste luni bune, ma aflam tocmai intr-o astfel ...

Inapoi Inainte

Kristian Mensa. Ilustratii & Obiecte

Artistul Kristian Mensa porneste de la obiecte simple cu care interactionam in viata de zi cu zi, pe care le integreaza in diferite ilustratii. Provocarea lui este sa gaseasca acele forme in jurul carora sa contureze o poveste neasteptata. O margareta devine astfel parte din corpul unei pasari colibri, pulverizatorul unui produs de curatat se transforma intr-un ciclist de performanta, mufa unui cablu de date contribuie la conturarea unui soldat din garda regala a Marii Britanii. Fiecare imagine creeaza un joc vizual care iti aduce cu usurinta zambetul pe buze!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique. Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things. Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Exclusive feature: Kristi‡n Mensa is a 17-year-old artist from Czech Republic. Since he was a little kid, he's been trying to look at things from a different perspective. Throughout the years, he realized that even the most ordinary things we use daily in our lives can be somehow unique.  Using his drawing and illustration skills, he always tried to make something new with those mundane things.  Try to look around when on your way to school or work and youÕll be surprised how many things around us can represent something completely different!

Mai multe ilustratii gasesti pe site-ul oficial al artistului de origine ceha:

Foto: Kristian Mensa via

PUBLISHED ON 10.07.2015

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